
I ran a 6K and PR’d!

6K? Who runs a 6K? I thought it was an interesting distance and they offered medal to the finishers so I signed up! This race was held at the same park of my last 5K so I was familiar with the course. As we pulled into the parking lot, a few older gentlemen passed my […] Read more…

I beat my 2004 10K PR (personal best)!

After signing up for the 2018 half marathon, I decided I wanted to train NOW and not wait. Having a big goal lit a fire under my booty. I’m lifting like I want to be a bikini competitor and running like I want to be a half marathoner. Two totally different sports and most would […] Read more…

Happy Global Running Day

June 7 is Global Running Day and I celebrated by running an easy 5K on the treadmill after lifting weights.  I restarted my running journey last month after I signed up for a half marathon that will take place in 2018!  Luckily, my workout plans since January have included a little bit of running (intervals, […] Read more…

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