
2023: New Year, New Goals

Hello again. My 2023 goal is the blog again. A quick update of my BJJ and fitness: I’ve completed one year at blue belt. My fitness declined a bit because I wasn’t consistent with strength and cardio training. Fall 2022 was probably the worst. After an ankle sprain injury in BJJ, my family and I […] Read more…

Approaching New Year’s Resolutions Differently

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Did you set any New Years Resolutions? Does 2021 feel like a fresh start? Or does it feel like a continuation of 2020? Nonetheless, your feelings are valid. I’m in the “continuation” camp. Perhaps it is because my goals mostly remain the same as last year. With the ongoing pandemic & my […] Read more…

How to Finish 2020 like a Badass

It’s not about how you started or what happened in the middle, it’s how you will finish 2020. We have 31 days to make a tiny change or explore a new hobby that you’ve been eyeing! Despite the ongoing craziness happening on Earth, you have a few weeks to finish 2020 off like a badass. […] Read more…

2020 Goals for My Mind and Body!

Happy 2020! Wow, 2019 flew by so quickly. I don’t know if it’s because I’m older or if it’s because of all the baby fun but I can’t believe we are already in 2020. I spent New Year’s Eve in our cozy home on the couch. My husband and I fell asleep around 10:30pm waiting […] Read more…