Hello again. My 2023 goal is the blog again. A quick update of my BJJ and fitness: I’ve completed one year at blue belt. My fitness declined a bit because I wasn’t consistent with strength and cardio training.
Fall 2022 was probably the worst. After an ankle sprain injury in BJJ, my family and I caught Covid. While infected with Covid, my father was given a few weeks to live and placed in home hospice. It was a whirlwind of physical and emotional pain. Mostly emotional and I’m still grieving. Thoughts of my dad will hit at odd times and I’ll feel the pain in my heart. Time will heal all injuries and loss. I’ve been healing with BJJ, meditation, and art (drawing and painting…badly). I switched BJJ gyms to a closer location, and with earlier training times, I can get it a bit more classes and be home in time feed the littles and put them to bed.
My 2023 goals start NOW!
• Learn How to Compete: I have a competition the first Saturday of the new year! It’ll be my FIRST blue belt competition. It’s a local, small competition so I’m trying hard not to build it up into a huge deal because now I have the perspective to see it’s NOT ADCC, IBJJF Pans or Worlds! I competed once at white belt in 2021 and I still believe competing is a separate skill to master. Goal this year is to learn how to be be excited to compete and have fun prepping for it.
• Fitness: Lift 2-3 times a week and cardio sessions twice a week. I’ve noticed that it takes me longer to recover so I really take it day by day but I am finally at a point that I can lift and do BJJ on the same day. It took weeks to work up to this.
• Heal: Take as long as I need to grieve my father. Take my physical recovery seriously because at my age, I have longevity in mind. Keep meditating and repeating positive affirmations! Stop self limiting thoughts and BELIEVE IN MYSELF!
What do you have planned for 2023?