Over the years, I’ve signed up for quite a few challenges on bodybuilding.com but I never saw the finishing line due to various excuses. Since having my little one, that mentality changed after I completed a 90 day challenge when I was a few months postpartum. I knew at that moment that I could see any challenge through to the end.


Since January 2017,  I’ve been on a 12 week mission to FINALLY complete my first bodybuilding.com transformation challenge! I NEEDED to finish what I started so I publicly declared my participation on social media and I blogged about the challenge every few weeks. Additionally, I hired a trainer to take my body to the next level because I needed to be held accountable and checked in with a coach every week.

These final weeks were tricky. For any normal participant, this phase would consist of “cutting” and dietary restrictions. I’m still nursing so that wasn’t an option. I also couldn’t take supplements for that reason.  Too bad they don’t have a postpartum category winner option. I knew those variables would mean that I would not come in lean or stage ready but that wasn’t my ultimate goal.  I wanted change and I’m happy that I was able to get banging results!

Here are my results…

The results!

So, what’s next? I’m taking 1 week “off” to heal some bruises, eat good food, and hang out with friends and family.  I’m challenging myself to workout without a gym during this “off” week. No running and no weights; just body weight exercises, resistance bands, and lots of yoga. It’s so good to rest, reset, and find new ways to move. By next week, I’ll be mentally and physically ready to get back to my traditional training program again.

Have you ever participated in a fitness challenge? 

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