After 9 months of anticipation, I finally crossed FL off my list and ran the Disney Princess Half Marathon! I signed up for the Princess Half in May 2017 (which sparked my running hobby). Not only was this my first race at Disney, it was my first time visiting Disney World. It also fell on my daughter’s birthday and days after my anniversary so I had a lot of reasons to celebrate. Despite it being humid, the temperatures were great. I couldn’t have asked for better weather!
COSTUME: I went with the theme of the half marathon and wore a Snow White inspired outfit. I purchased a blue running top from Amazon, Sparkle Athletic skirt, and the red headband actually came with my daughter’s Snow White dress pictured below. She wouldn’t keep it on her head, so I said, “Why not?!” She wore a red clip in bow instead.

RACE RETREAT: Runners have the option of purchasing this pre and post race package to make race day more comfortable. Under a closed tent, I ate a filling breakfast of bagels and cream cheese, which was a mistake, I should have stuck with oats. I also drank caffeinated coffee and tried sipped Powerade, another mistake! I normally drink decaf and Nuun but I was desperate! Other perks include character pictures, a stretching area, private port-a-potties (which made me gag), and pre and post race food and drinks.

THE RACE: If you’ve never raced at Disney, know you’ll have to wake up around 2:30am so you can catch the bus from 3-3:30am! After arriving at Epcot, I spent most of my time at the race retreat. I was taking full advantage of this $120 perk! At 4:50am, I followed the massive crowd to the starting line. I wasn’t aware the corral was about 1 mile away!
I saw amazing costumes, plentiful hydration and medical stations, and the best mile markers! I only stopped for one photo (a group of gentleman holding a glass slipper). Due to lack of sleep & fatigue, I decided to keep running past the characters; if stopped, I would lose my spark. Around mile 8, I got passed by the 2:15 Galloway pace group TWICE so I decided to run with them! “If you can’t beat them, join them.” I knew it was my best chance of finishing before 8am. I crossed the finish line with the group so we were a bit behind the 2;15 goal.
After the race, I iced my knees at the medical tent and wobbled back to the race retreat tent. The post race food was OK but I took advantage of how empty it was and met three Disney villains (see picture above)! Walking around Epcot a few hours after the race wasn’t fun. I was tired and a little cranky but spending time with my family made up for my pain and fatigue.

FINISH TIME: 2 hours, 19 minutes, 38 seconds. Looking at results of the field, I finished in top 9%!

Have you ever ran a race at Disney?