It’s not about how you started or what happened in the middle, it’s how you will finish 2020. We have 31 days to make a tiny change or explore a new hobby that you’ve been eyeing! Despite the ongoing craziness happening on Earth, you have a few weeks to finish 2020 off like a badass.
How my 2020 started:

A freaky diagnosis of atrial fibrillation while training for a half marathon, painful debilitating GI issues, and a pericarditis diagnosis that stopped all running by mid year. Oh yea, and navigating a pandemic.
How it’s going:
- Giving myself grace: Due to exercise restrictions (no running/lifting) during the pericarditis healing period, I gained weight. I can feel it on my knees and back when I run. My jeans don’t fit. However, hubby complimented by booty in my new leggings so I’ll enjoy the curves (*adds every color of that legging to cart).
- Creating a framework: I’m in week 3 of rebuilding my foundation. I’m slowly adding minutes/mileage to my run/walk intervals to avoid injury. I’m at that age where I’ve noticed some age related muscle loss and I’m going to fight it with lifting.
- Discovering new hobbies: When I was 6, I took piano for a few months but quit after experiencing racism and bullying on all of my walks to lessons in Korea (back in the “olden” days, kids walked alone LOL). 8 years ago, I signed up for guitar lessons and quit after 4 lessons because the class moved too quickly. I threw in the towel and told myself I was too old to learn how to play an instrument! In March during lockdown, I purchased a pink ukulele for my daughter. I learned a few chords so I could teach her how to play a couple of songs. I ended up loving this little instrument and now own 4 ukuleles. On Black Friday, I asked my husband for drums (real, acoustic drums, HA)! We settled on an electronic set and I absolutely LOVE learning this instrument too. YOU’RE NOT TOO OLD TO LEARN!

“I’m just going to say it. F*CK aesthetics!”
How to finish 2020 like a badass!
- Gratitude/Meditation: Upon waking and before bed, name 3 things you’re grateful for daily. Do you have a few minutes after waking up or before bed? I highly recommend adding in some meditation. Insight Timer is my favorite and it is FREE. Sometimes I listen to positive affirmations, sometimes I lay down and listen to a sound bath. There is something for everybody (storytelling meditation, piano, spiritual/religious, etc).
- Move your body for 20-30 minutes! I’m just going to say it. F*CK aesthetics! Your heart needs you to move fast 2-3 times a week (walk, run, bike, anything)! Your bones and muscles need you to strength train to get strong and to prevent injury (at least twice a week). If you find yourself wondering what to do everyday, print out a plan (or buy a plan from a trainer) so you don’t have to worry about a thing except doing the work. Exercise also has mental benefits too. Who doesn’t feel like a badass after completing a workout!?
- Discover a new hobby! Always wanted to knit? Learn a new language or how to code? Learn how to build a wooden bench? Tap dance? With Youtube, the possibilities are free and endless. There are other platforms where you can go deeper and take paid courses (like Udemy or Masterclass). If you can set aside 20-30 minutes, you WILL learn something new. Not only is it FUN, it’s good for your brain! It bears repeating, YOU ARE NOT TOO OLD TO LEARN.
- Reset. If your body is telling you to chill out and read a book instead of pushing yourself on some days, take a rest. Restore and reset your mind and body at least once a week. You deserve it.
The ball is in your court, it always was. You have 31 days to end the year on a positive note. That’s 31 days to move and feel good. 31 days to learn something new. How will you end 2020?
I feel like I’ve barely got started with ’21 and it’s already time to think about wrapping it up.
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