More good news to report this week. On 12/12/17, the Chicago Marathon committee sent emails to everyone who entered the lottery drawing. By 9:40am, I received the email stating I was selected to run in the 2018 Chicago marathon!

Chicago marathon lottery
THE email


“I’ll NEVER run a marathon!” I said it often. I changed my tuned after 11 months of running.  After watching the magic that happened at the 2017 NYC Marathon, I decided to try my luck at the Chicago Marathon lottery. If I got in, then it was meant to be! This marathon will be a celebration of sticking to running for over a year. It will represent a lot of miles, sweat, and tears by the time I hit the starting line. I admit, I’m scared but really excited that I will join the ranks of marathoners. I know I can do it physically! I just worry about the mental toughness needed to complete 26.2 miles.

chicago marathon
I’m in!


Why should you consider running a marathon?

  • You can say you ran the same race as elite runners!
  • You’ll be like a celebrity! I’m sure you’ve heard of all the famous people who’ve run one (or more)!
  • It will make you a bad $$$.

I can’t wait to cross “run a marathon” off of my bucket list. I plan to train for 18 or 20 weeks. I’m running a half marathon in February but I need to be strategic if I ran another half prior to the marathon. Last week, I rented these running books from the library with hopes that I will need to read them after 12/12! With so many training plans out there, I need to educate myself on training for this distance. I will come up with a game plan once I have the basics down. Cheers to an epic 2018! 


Running books
I need to soak up all the knowledge 


Have you considered running a marathon? If you have, what was the best part of training for it?

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