Month: August 2018

Alpharetta Mayor’s Challenge 5K Recap

Last night, I ran the Mayor’s Challenge 5K race downtown in Alpharetta, GA at the City Hall. First of all, I have never raced on a Thursday! Second, I didn’t expect it to be as big of race that it ended up being. It was sold out! Parking was tricky (non existent) at City Hall […] Read more…

Namaste! Baby #2 on the way!

Our family is growing! We are so happy to announce baby #2 is on the way! I’m 14.5 weeks pregnant and look like I’m 16+ weeks (HA)!  Finally, I can be open about my struggles the past couple of months with my body. This pregnancy has been a bit tough with sickness and fatigue since the […] Read more…

I am officially a certified barre instructor!

i’m officially a certified barre instructor. I took my first barre class in 2015 (though I’ve been taken barre-like classes as a dancer many years prior). On Sunday, I attended SCW Atlanta Mania and took an all day course to become a certified barre instructor. I love barre because I come from a dance background. […] Read more…