Is there such a thing as pre-New Years resolution work? Seeing the stats that many people quit after a few weeks/months, I say we try something different. Can we get our mindset right before setting our 2021 resolutions? My pre-resolution work would include positive affirmations, such as “YOU ARE CAPABLE.” I meditated on this thought Monday morning. That afternoon, I repeated, “you are capable” to myself as I pushed out 40 pushups without getting down on my knees. I reminded myself of this when I felt overwhelmed with the little kiddos that evening. It worked and I will carry that affirmation with me throughout the remainder of 2020.


As we wrap up the frenetic, infamous year that is 2020, we can set ourselves up for a strong start to 2021 with pre-resolution work. The new year may feel the same as 2020 in some ways because we are still dealing with a global pandemic and many of our habits to stay safe can’t change yet. I don’t run outside right now (due to crowding and lack of people wearing masks), I don’t go out eat in restaurants and I won’t go to the gym. Same routine, different day…all while staying at home almost 24/7.  Yet, I’m crushing my goals and I expect to crush all 2021 goals once I write them out (I haven’t set any yet because I have a good thing going right now, but I will).

Here are 3 simple ways to get you to believe you are capable before you get started on your 2021 resolutions. 

  • SHIFT YOUR MINDSET: What the mind believes, the person achieves. There are a million ways to shift your mindset. Find the best way for you. Here are some suggestions: At the beginning of every week, write down your goals for the week. Meditate daily; there are 100 ways to meditate, some use walking as meditation, some sit and meditate, I lay in bed and meditate as soon as I wake up (whatever it takes, right?). If you need extra help, there’s coaching and therapy!


  • MOVEMENT: My “secret” to a happy life is daily movement. That is why I created this blog. I was postpartum and dealt with postpartum blues and feelings of loneliness. I created posts as an outlet to reconnect to myself and get moving. There are a million ways to move (are you sensing a theme here). Choose your favorite way to exercise and have fun! Enjoy the mental and physical benefits. By the way, movement doesn’t always mean exercise. On my rest days, I still stretch and do some yoga. As I get stronger, I feel like I can conquer anything. I have more energy to chase my kids.


  • LEARN SOMETHING NEW: Energy begets energy. There’s something about keeping the brain active that leads to other achievements. If I’m not learning something or pursing a goal, I get bored and unmotivated. That lack of motivation has the potential to spill into my physical fitness regimen. The world is your oyster. The knowledge you will need to consume is available in a book, a course, or on YouTube. It could be something as simple as reading 1 book a month, or something massive, like learn how to start a business that you’ve been thinking about and get started! Learning something new makes me feel absolutely limitless, even if I’m terrible at what I’m learning (like drums).

Imagine it is December 2021, what would you have liked to achieve by then? You are capable of amazing things!

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